Commentary February 2020 | Surrey Australian Equities Fund Investment

The Surrey Australian Equities Fund is pleased to provide the February 2020 update where we share with you insights from inside the portfolio, discussing performance to date and the Fund outlook moving forward.

Market volatility that is evident in February and March can make investment decisions in the short term difficult. At Surrey, we continue to focus on the fundamental thesis of each investment and look to invest through the market gyrations. We remind current and potential investors of the benefit of a Fund investment style such as Surrey’s which offers much needed diversification across >30 companies with the average market capitalisation of the Fund’s holdings being ~$2bn.

Applications for new and existing investors can now be made onlinevia the button below or visiting our website. The Fund’s minimum application amount is $100,000, if any investor requires an alternative minimum, please don’t hesitate to contact Nick or Michael directly.

The Fund is open to new investors, links to the updated Information Memorandum and applications are via the buttons below. Any investor who requires assistance with an applications please contact either Nick or Michael at any time.

Nick Maclean & Michael Woolhouse
Directors & Portfolio Managers

Surrey Asset Management

Email: Mobile: 0425 726 305

Email: Mobile : 0409 145 645