Strategy July 2022 | Surrey Australian Equities Fund Investment

July produced a positive performance return across equity markets locally and globally. The S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index (XSOAI) delivered +11.4%, significantly outperforming the larger S&P/ASX 100 (XTO) return of +5.3%.  While short-term interest rates are increasing sharply to combat a spike in inflation and are rightly dominating media commentary, we believe such increases will ease and may reverse in the medium term.  If this is correct, this should be a positive indicator for equities.  The Surrey Australian Equities Fund is increasingly positive on the outlook for equity markets and this can be seen with our recent buying of what we believe to be undervalued stocks over the last ~7 weeks.

You can access July 2022, Investment Strategy Update here.

If any investor would be interested in discussing the Funds’ performance in further detail, we would be more than happy to accommodate, please contact us here to register your interest.

The Fund is open to new investors, links to the Information Memorandum and applications are via the links below. Applications for new and existing investors are now paperless and can be made online.

Thank you for your ongoing interest.


Nick Maclean & Michael Woolhouse

Directors & Portfolio Managers

Surrey Asset Management

Email: Mobile: 0425 726 305

Email: Mobile : 0409 145 645