Surrey Asset Management Launches the Surrey Australian Equities Fund

A Message from the Directors

Dear Investor,

We are pleased to invite you to invest alongside us in the Surrey Australian Equities Fund.

Surrey Asset Management was founded in 2017 with the intention of managing the Investment Managers’ funds via a product that seeks to deliver strong absolute and relative returns through investing in ASX listed companies.  We attempt to achieve this by following our investment principles and processes while maintaining a strict focus on long term capital preservation.  This involves activities such as thoroughly researching each investment position, managing portfolio sizing and liquidity and adhering to industry best practise levels of corporate governance.

The Fund’s primary investable universe and its performance benchmark is the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Index.  This is an area where the investment management team  has over three decades of combined experience and where we believe there are attractive opportunities to invest in companies with good prospects for capital and dividend appreciation.

While there is no guarantee of outperformance, we have established an investment process, fund structure and compliance system which positions us to deliver positive absolute and relative returns over rolling five year periods. The Investment Managers’ significant personal investment in the Fund, and the Fund’s fee structure align the interests of the Investment Manager and unit holders and we maintain a commitment to managing investor money with complete transparency, authenticity and accountability.

We encourage investors to read this Information Memorandum, including the section on risks, and seek professional advice.

We look forward to welcoming you as an investor in the Fund.

Kind regards,


Nick Maclean                                                 Michael Woolhouse

Director & Portfolio Manager                    Director & Portfolio Manager